Partner Visa Successful Case 18 Australia 309 visa|Offshore Partner Visa Granted in 10 Months without a Phone Interview

Visa Type
309 Spouse Visa

Decision Date
July 17, 2024

Case Summary

Five years ago, the applicant met the partner they wanted to spend their life with. The sponsor, who had previously sponsored someone and was highly educated with English as their first language, believed the partner visa process would be straightforward. They hired an agent, provided some documents, and the agent submitted the onshore partner visa application.

However, after nearly four years of waiting, the application was refused. The truth was, that the applicant had lodged a refugee visa application before meeting the sponsor. When applying for the partner visa, the previous agent only asked for basic documents and did not explain the seriousness and complexity of the Schedule 3 issue. When the agent received the Schedule 3 notification, they had the sponsor submit a personal statement without any supporting documents or legal explanation and then filed it.

After the refusal, they approached us. We thoroughly analyzed the previous application and advised them to consider applying offshore. The sponsor regretted their previous decision, which had not only wasted time but also a significant amount of money. After hearing our analysis, they decided to submit an offshore application.

We assisted them in completely preparing the new application and discussed the next steps and strategy. With the applicant and sponsor fully cooperating and providing all necessary documents, the visa was granted without any phone interviews.

Applying for a partner visa can be simple or challenging, depending on the client’s cooperation and willingness to provide the required documents. The visa application process is a two-way effort. We do our best to help each applicant secure their visa, but it also requires the applicant’s active participation.

In this case, we once again witnessed the perfect result of cooperation.


Approval Letter